For bank transfers, our details are as follows:
Mobile Info Team
National Bank of Greece
IBAN: GR92 0110 2140 0000 2140 0619 306
We rely on donations to continue our work. Your generosity will allow us to continue to share up to the minute information about the Greek asylum system with refugees and asylum seekers, as well as deliver tailored information to people on the move through our hotlines and provide in-depth case support covering a wide range of legal matters. You can choose to make a one-time contribution via PayPal or card, or support us regularly with a monthly donation.
Family reunification
“Some minutes ago I got the notification that I will fly next week to Germany to be reunited with my boys. I want to share this great news. Thank you so much for your help and for receiving this assistance.”
— Afghan father, reunited with his sons after four years
Your donation will allow us to support people like the Afghan father quoted above. We’ve reunited many families over the years, including an 8-year-old and her mother who had been separated for three years, and a father who was finally allowed to travel to be with his wife and newborn child. Every day, we fight for people’s right to be with their loved ones, have access to the information they require to make informed decisions, and report on the legal environment and material challenges of refugees, asylum seekers and others on the move. We hope you’ll help us in our mission.